AJA 12GM 12G-SDI Muxer/DeMuxer
The AJA 12GM 12G-SDI Muxer/DeMuxer supports DCI 4K, UltraHD, 2K, HD and SD workflows and conversions from quad-link SDI signals to single link SDI signals, and vice versa at 12G, 6G, 3G and 1.5G bit rates. Both Square Division (Quadrant) and Two Sample Interleave (2SI) input and output mappings are supported. All signals are re-clocked and amplified to ensure signal integrity over long cable runs.
AJA 12GM is a compact SDI transport converter that can solve a wide range of UltraHD/4K equipment inter-connection problems. The product will convert quad-link SDI signals to single-link SDI (Mux function) as well as single-link SDI to quad-link SDI (Demux function).
AJA 12GM is configured using the free AJA Mini-Config application, which also provides detailed input and output signal diagnostic information.
AJA 12GM 12G-SDI Muxer/DeMuxer Specifications
What's included
Included on AJA 12GM 12G-SDI Muxer/DeMuxer